Welcome to SSBA Growth Advisory

For over 4 decades, SSBA founders have evolved the innovation process, using our methodology, your company can unlock its growth &innovation potential and increase its return on innovation by 5X.

Who are we?

SSBA is a leading growth strategy and innovation consulting firm serving world class client base, private and social sector, government agencies and start-ups. With our background of experts and our international principals we are uniquely positioned to help you create phenomenally successful products & services.

What do we do?

We help companies excel at innovation. As a growth strategy consulting firm, SSBA helps companies reposition and reinvent underperforming products&services , create new breakthrough products& services, successfully discover and enter new markets, and prioritize R&D and M&A investment decisions.

As agents of change, we help companies adopt a new innovation mindset and a process that increases the return on innovation by 5X. We can customize an innovation program to suit your needs.

Learn more about our service offerings ->

Outcome Driven Innovation 2 Uncover desired outcomes (customer needs) Uncover desired outcomes (customer needs) Understand how job maps, and customer needs are defined and structured . Understand how opportunities and market segments are defined and discovered 4 Understand how opportunities and market segments are defined and discovered in the ODI process. 5 Formulate and   deploy a winning   strategy Understand how innovation strategy is defined in the ODI process to find the most efficient path to growth. 3 Discover hidden segments of opportunity , Understand the basic structure of the questionnaire, and the types of questions in each section. 1 Outcome Driven   Innovation   Understand how customers, markets, and jobs are defined and structured in the ODI process. Growth through innovation

Team SSBA brings the understanding clearly—that people have underlying processes in their lives, and what really understanding the customer needs means is understanding what that underlying process is…SSBA’s outcome-driven programs bring discipline and predictability to the often random process of innovation .

How do you engage with us?

Using the process outlined below, we collaboratively work with strategy leadership teams to formulate and deploy a growth strategy that is both customer-centric and data-driven. The process can be run in phases and at different levels of fidelity, such as a workshop, sprint or other format. If you are looking to apply change management at scale ,implement a customized innovation program that will transform your organization.

How do you get started?

If you want to discuss a workshop, project sprint, growth strategy engagement, or a customized program for innovation, please contact us at ceo@ssbusinessadvisory.com

SSBA’s future

SSBA’s mission is to change the way the world innovates. As we continue to fine-tune the strategic innovation process, we are also creating tools to automate needs gathering, data analytics and strategy formulation. Our ultimate goal is to make the innovation process 100% predictable. With these capabilities at their disposal, our clients will be able to bring groundbreaking products & services to market the first time and every time, improving lives and advancing humanity.

Board Of Governors

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Stop thinking ,Start innovating.